Yellow Tabebuia

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The spectacular Yellow Tabebuia, native to Brazil, is also called Yellow Trumpet Tree. An ideal patio, specimen, or lawn tree, Yellow Trumpet Tree is often seen as a small, 15 to 25-foot-tall tree, but can definitely grow taller.

It can grow from 20-30 feet with a spread of 20-30 feet and has beautiful clusters of yellow bell-shaped flowers that bloom from spring to fall.

Once established the tree can survive on rainfall alone and will produce an excellent flower display each year. It also makes a nice tree for planting close to the patio or deck where it will cast light to a medium shade below the canopy.

The tree is semi-deciduous with a brief period of leaf drop prior to the emergence of new leaves. It prefers sun, is very drought-tolerant, and is pest-resistant.

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TreesPrecindy Colas